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tall handsome man

tall man gay pride parade short bodybuilder I live in West Hollywood (Weho) and so every year I don't come to the Gay Pride Parade the pride parade comes to me.  Over 400,000 people  descend on the city, making it the largest such gathering in Los Angeles.  In 2015 it celebrated it's 45 anniversary.  It's always fun walking around talking photos of the infinite number of tall men, cute boys, bodybuilders, kooky costumes and everything else. 

For years the parade would take FOREVER thanks to long pauses and gaps and such. But the organizers have it more together now. Even so, the parade alone can take up to three hours.  This gives me plenty of time to photograph tall men surreptitiously.  This is hard to do as I don't want to disturb my subject but I don't want to miss the shot either because I can't point the camera at who I want.  Sometimes I ask permission and take a photo and give them a biz card but never hear back.  Fortunately these exhibitionists are here at the pride parade to see and be seen anyway.

The photos below were tall taken at the 2012 and 2014 parades.  Allen is a local tall writer who I run into at the parade and end up taking a facebook photo for him every year.

What I want to know is where do all these great looking men go the rest of the year?  Unfortunately some have partners, live far from Hollywood, or even live in another country.

Christopher Street Liberation Day took place on June 28, 1970, exactly one year after the Stonewall riots. The first Gay Pride march in U.S. history was in New York's Central Park and simultaneously in Los Angeles on Hollywood Blvd. Due to the tense relationship with the Los Angeles Police, the parade was moved to the unincorporated portion of Santa Monica Blvd in 1979 and has continued there ever since. Come to the next West Hollywood Gay Pride which now attracts half a million visitors. Gay visitors are attracted to West Hollywood because they can hold hands and kiss their loved ones in public, being completely open and free of condemnation.

Tiny little unbelievably gorgeous Gay personal trainer Davey Wavey discusses what it is like to be short and Gay with another Homosexual who is about a foot taller than he is.  Davey is a well known Youtube personality.  That means he is a self absorbed idiot but his anti-homophobia heart is in the right place.

He does lots of videos mixing up Straight and Gay and discussing what they think about each other. Davey Wavey is not related to singer Wavey Gravey.


If you see a pic you think doesn't belong here then email me.