new massive hunks on this page include 6'4" Anthony Morelli. 6'10" Robert
Nelson hamming it up as the jolly green hulk and madam butterfly plus 6'4"
310 lb. Chris Norris. Also here are a few more photos of the "Long"
Family. Even Howie's last name means tall. Proud poppa Howie Long, former Oakland
Raiders football star and totally telegenic Fox TV announcer, has raised multiple
giant supermen. But since he is 6'5" himself and has weighed up to 265
thats not surprising. There is his 6'7" 280 lb. son Kyle Long.
Christopher, who has many photos below, went to the presigious University of VA
and is playing for St. Lous Rams. Howie Jr. plays lacrosse also at Univ. of