At 7'2" (2.18m) and 300 lbs. (135kg) Olivier Richters is by FAR
one of the largest bodybuilders in the world. Even if he did not love
working out he is also impossibly handsome. He's also overcome
birth defects to achieve his amazing body. It's a great story. Too bad
he is so awful at telling it. Like Evan Godbee, the giant Aussie
bodybuilder, Olivier is terrible at self promotion. He should have
a website called "". Instead his only website
is "", a site in
his native language which appears to be about hamburger patties. I
didn't look too closely as I don't care about slabs of meat, at least
the animal kind. And it is all written in his native tongue so
everything sounds like "norgaloo von winkelwagon voor snoorkle." I can't
understand THAT!
Olivier has two dreams: to become a movie star
and a World Wrestling Federation wrestler, the organization run by
Vince McMahon.
Unfortunately he'll have to get a lot better at self promotion to do
that. Also, the main way a bodybuilder makes money is to get an
endorsement contract from a bodybuilding supplement manufacturer.
By not promoting himself properly he's denying himself this avenue.
Meanwhile other people have been posing as him online taking advantage
of the fact that he has no idea what he is doing. Typical. I
supposed he could be a basketball star, except he doesn't really like
playing basketball.
I guess I will have to promote him for him.
Again. When will these muscleheads learn?
Born in the Netherlands in 1989, Olivier weighed only 197 lbs. (85kg)
when he began bodybuilding. Can you imagine how skinny he must have been
at that height? I thought I was thin when I was 6'2" (1.87m) 150
lbs. (68kg). But he had waaay bigger problems than trying to gain
weight and put on muscle. He had a birth defect called "pectus
excavatum." This is a deformity of the anterior wall of the chest,
in which several ribs and the sternum grow abnormally. This produces a
caved-in or sunken appearance of the chest. It can either be present at
birth or not develop until puberty. It's the most common birth
defect of the chest. It can hurt your heart and lungs, cause chest
and back pain, and looks terrible. This leaves the patient feeling awful
about themselves.
heart was 20% too small and turned at a weird angle. You can see it in
the x-ray at right. He had shortness of breath when he was trying
to squat or deadlift weights. A doctor who is an expert on this defect
said it was the second worst he had ever seen. So Olivier had an
operation to deal with it while he was still young. Unfortunately
that meant ten of his ribs had to be broken, it would take six months to
recover, he would have to be on 110mg of morphine a day for sixty days.
And he would no doubt lose weight. For a bodybuilder that is the worst
thing of all! For the first two months he could not move if he was
not on painkillers. In the third month he could at least start
walking and bicycling and swimming. After four months he began
slowly weight training again.
Over time his heart enlarged to
it's proper size and rotated into a more correct position. He
began to gain weight again. Originally he wanted to weigh 275 lbs.
When he got that big he decided he really wanted to weigh more, a
standard phenomenon with bodybuilders. His new goal is
330 lbs. (150kg). He stills feels he should be stronger. Strong
enough to lift anyone with ease on TV shows. As of 2013 his arms
were 19" and his shoe size is 51EU (european). His father is 6'7"
(2m), his mother 5'9" (1.76m) and his brother is also very tall.
In fact, his brother is a giant in his own right at 6'8" (2.04m) and is
also handsome. Talk about good genes! Uh, except for the
pectus excavatum, which is probably genetic. Ooops I take that back.