Danny Jones is a massive 6'7" Los Angeles bodybuilder and personal
trainer. Pretty much the tallest, handsomest man in the room he has
doubled down and is now one of Hollywood's biggest bodybuilders.
It is really hard for big men to become big muscle men but, not only
has Danny done it, he has done it with an incredibly narrow waist.
While some pro bodybuilders fight their thick waists his incredibly
wide lats and small hips give him the biggest "hooded cobra back" I've
seen since Matus Valent.
"From a
very young age I was involved in athletics and I loved everything
about sports. I grew up in a small town in Southern California where
there wasn't much to do, so sports was a "no-brainer". Most of my
success came from basketball, where I stood out in high school and
received a full-ride scholarship to Biola University in Orange County,
California. During my time there, I ran so much in practice and games
that I was able to eat anything and everything I wanted. It wasn't
until later, when I finished playing competitively, that it started to
catch up to me. I continued to eat the way I had previously eaten, but
was not exercising nearly as much as I was before. I began gaining
weight and before I knew it, I was almost 300lbs! I knew it was time
for a change.
I began to work out religiously and dedicated at least 2
hours a day to exercise and workouts. I saw my body changing and had
lost about 20lbs in a couple months. Despite all of this, I still
wasn't happy with the progress I had made and wasn't content with how
I looked. Later that year, I was hired at the Fire Department in my
hometown. I became an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and began to get a grasp on how the body
worked and functioned. I was interested in what I was learning and was
hungry to learn more. I went on to study nutrition and how different
foods affect the human body in different ways. During 2 years of
studying, I had gradually applied the techniques and knowledge I had
gained in my studies to my own life and, before I knew it, I had
transformed my body! I am a firm believer that ANYONE can make the
same change that I did and become the best version of themselves. All
it takes is the initial thought and desire to make the change and a
plan to put that change into action. No matter what your goals or
dreams are, I am 100% confident that I can help you make a plan to
reach them! I hope you take the next step and choose me as your
trainer. Together we can make you healthy, fit, and-most important-the
best version of yourself that you can be! "
Check out his
website below for offers on personal training and workout tips.
Also, don't confuse Danny Jones with ex-Monkees singer Davy Jones who
my sister had a crush on in 1974. Davy Jones is both dead and not